
struct Language;
An opaque object that defines how to parse a particular language. The code for each Language is gen by the Tree-sitter CLI.
const TSLanguage* tslanguage;
internal TSLanguage
nothrow @nogc this(const TSLanguage* tslanguage);
create a new Language.
nothrow @nogc auto get_version();
Get the ABI version number that indicates which version of the Tree-sitter CLI that was used to generate this Language.
nothrow @nogc auto node_kind_count();
Get the number of distinct node types in language.
nothrow @nogc auto node_kind_for_id(ushort id);
Get the name of the node kind for the given numerical id.
auto id_for_node_kind(string kind, bool named);
Get the numeric id for the given node kind.
nothrow @nogc auto node_kind_is_named(ushort id);
Check if the node type for the given numerical id is named (as opposed to an anonymous node type).
nothrow @nogc auto node_kind_is_visible(ushort id);
Check if the node type for the given numerical id is anonymous (as opposed to a named node type).
nothrow @nogc auto field_count();
Get the number of distinct field names in this language.
nothrow @nogc auto field_name_for_id(ushort field_id);
Get the field names for the given numerical id.
auto field_id_for_name(string field_name);
Get the numerical id for the given field name.