
AcuteML also provides a templating engine if you want to use templates instead of creating the types.

Template Rendering using Functions

This method only uses functions that return string. You can build your desired string and call the function for rendering.

## create person function to store out html template
newTemplate("person", :function)

function person(;id, age, field, GPA, courses)

  # Build the taken courses section
  for course in courses
    loopOut = loopOut * """ <taken-courses>$(course)</taken-courses>   """

  # Append all the sections and variables together
  out = """
  <person id=$(id)>

  return out

# Call the function for rendering
out = person(
  id = "1",
  age = "24",
  field = "Mechanical Engineering",
  GPA = "4.5",
  courses = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"]


# you can also write the output to a file:
Base.write(filePath, out)

Template Rendering using Files

You can render variables into html/xml files. However, you can't have multiline control flow Julia code in this method.

# you can create a file and edit the file directly by using

# Add the following html code to the generated html file
<person id=$(id)>

# Specify the template (or its path), and also the variables for rendering
out =render2file("person", false,
  id = 1,
  age = 24,
  field = "Mechanical Engineering",
  GPA = 4.5,
  courses = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"])

# you pass `true` as the 2nd argument to owerwrite person.html statically.