Main Macro and IO



Type Definition

Use @aml macro to define a Julia type, and then the package automatically creates a xml or html associated with the defined type. The general syntax would look like this:

@aml mutable struct mybody "body"
    myh1, "h1"
    p::Vector{String}, "~"

You can also define the structs as parametric:

@aml mutable struct MyGeneralXML{T} "my-general-xml"
    myfield::T, "~"
pxml_string = MyGeneralXML{String}(myfield = "a")
pxml_vector = MyGeneralXML{Vector{String}}(myfield = ["b","c"])

Now, we go into the details:

Document Definition

  • Use doc literal before the root name to define a HTML or XML document. For HTML documents root should always be "html".
@aml mutable struct Doc doc"xml_root"
# add fields (elements) here
@aml mutable struct Web doc"html"
# add fields (elements) here

Nodes (Elements) Definition

  • Specify the html/xml name of struct as a string after the struct name (after a space)
@aml mutable struct Person "person"
# add fields (elements) here
  • If the html/xml name is the same as struct name, you can use "~" instead
@aml mutable struct person "~"
# add fields (elements) here

Fields Names

  • Sepecify the html/xml field name as a string in front of the field after ,
field, "study-field"
  • If the html/xml name is the same as variable name, you can use "~" instead
age::UInt, "~"

The field names of a struct should not be the same as other defined types. This error happens when you use the same name of a type for a field name. For example, the follwing is an error:

@aml struct person "~"
    name, "~"
@aml struct myxml doc"~"
    person::person, "~"

Another example of this error:

@aml struct myxml doc"~"
    Int, "myint"

However, you can choose any xml/html name. The xml/html name of the fields isn't related to the types defined in Julia. So the following is a valid syntax:

@aml struct myxml doc"~"
    myint, "Int"


  • If the value is going to be an attribute put att before its name
id::Int64, att"~"

Default Value

  • You can specify the default value for an argument by using = defVal syntax
GPA::Float64 = 4.5, "~"

Value Types

You can use Julia types or defined types for values. see and Supported Value Types Custom Value Types for more information.

  • If you don't specify the type of a variable, it is considered to be string for aml manipulations:
field, "study-field"

However, for a high performance code specify String type (field::String, "study-field")

  • For already @aml defined types, name should be the same as the defined type root name
university::University, "university"
  • Table types are supported through PrettyTables.jl.

Value Checking

You can define any restriction for values using functions.

  • To define any restrictions for the values of one field, define a function that checks a criteria for the field value and returns Bool, and put its name after a , after the field name:
GPA::Float64, "~", GPAcheck
  • To define any restrictions for multiple values of a struct, define a function that gets all the variables and checks a criteria and returns Bool, and put its name after a , after the struct name:
@aml mutable struct Person "person", check_course
# ...

Refer to for some of these functions examples.

Optional Fields

  • If a field is optional, don't forget to define its type as UN{} (Union with Nothing), and set the default value as nothing.
residence::UN{String}=nothing, "residence-stay" # optional with nothing as default value
funds::UN{String}, "financial-funds"   # optional, but you should pass nothing manually in construction

Text Nodes

If the value is going to be in a Text node:

  • use txt"index" for non-vector field type, which index is an Integer that shows the positon of text node. If you give txt"" it considers it like txt"1".
textnode_single:String, txt"2"
  • use txt"indices" for vector field type, which indices is an array index that shows the positons of the text nodes. If you give txt"" it considers it like txt"[:]"
textnode_vector::Vector{String}, txt"[2:3]"

Note that the vector Text nodes should only be used as the last field of a struct (because possible positons for text node should be known). Alternatively, you can make non-vector separate fields with correct position in the struct definition.

Empty Elements (Self-Closing) Definition

  • Use empty"name" to define an empty (self-closing) element (e.g. <rest />)
@aml struct rest empty"~"

Example - Simple

using AcuteML

@aml mutable struct body "~"
    h1, "~"
    p::Vector{String}, "~"

@aml mutable struct html doc"html"
    body::body, "~"

b = body(h1 = "My heading", p = ["Paragraph1", "Paragraph2"])
d = html(body = b)
julia> pprint(d)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <h1>My heading</h1>

Example - Struct Definition

First, we define the structs using @aml to store the data in:

using AcuteML

# Types definition

# Person Type
@aml mutable struct Person "person", check_course
    age::UInt64, "~"
    field, "study-field"
    GPA::Float64 = 4.5, "~", GPAcheck
    courses::Vector{String}, "taken-courses"
    professors::UN{DataFrame} = nothing, "table"
    id::Int64, att"~"
    comment::UN{String} = nothing, txt"end"

@aml mutable struct University doc"university"
    name, att"university-name"
    people::Vector{Person}, "person"

# Value Checking Functions
GPAcheck(x) = x <= 4.5 && x >= 0

function check_course(age, field, GPA, courses, professors, id, comment)

    if field == "Mechanical Engineering"
        relevant = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics", "Machine Design"]
    elseif field == "Computer Engineering"
        relevant = ["Julia", "Algorithms"]
        error("study field is not known")

    return any(in.(courses, Ref(relevant)))

Example - Creator

After we defined the structs, we can create instances of them by passing our data to the fields:

P1 = Person(age=24, field="Mechanical Engineering", courses = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"], id = 1, comment = "He is a genius")
P2 = Person(age=18, field="Computer Engineering", GPA=4, courses=["Julia"], id = 2)

U = University(name="Julia University", people=[P1, P2])

U.people[2].GPA=4.2 # mutability support after Doc creation
# An example that doesn't meet the criteria function for GPA because GPA is more than 4.5
P3 = Person(age=99, field="Macro Wizard", GPA=10, courses=["Julia Magic"], id = 3)
GPA doesn't meet criteria function
julia> pprint(P1) # or print(P1.aml)
<person id="1">
  <study-field>Mechanical Engineering</study-field>
  <taken-courses>Artificial Intelligence</taken-courses>
  He is a genius

julia> pprint(U) # or print(U.aml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<university university-name="Julia University">
  <person id="1">
    <study-field>Mechanical Engineering</study-field>
    <taken-courses>Artificial Intelligence</taken-courses>
    He is a genius
  <person id="2">
    <study-field>Computer Engineering</study-field>

P3 with Tables.jl type:

Profs1 = DataFrame(course = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"], professor = ["Prof. A", "Prof. B"] )

P3 = Person(age=24, field="Mechanical Engineering", courses = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"], professors= Profs1, id = 1)
julia> pprint(P3)

<person id="1">
<study-field>Mechanical Engineering</study-field>
<taken-courses>Artificial Intelligence</taken-courses>
<tr class="header">
<th style="text-align: right; ">course</th>
<th style="text-align: right; ">professor</th>
<tr class="subheader headerLastRow">
<th style="text-align: right; ">String</th>
<th style="text-align: right; ">String</th>
<td style="text-align: right; ">Artificial Intelligence</td>
<td style="text-align: right; ">Prof. A</td>
<td style="text-align: right; ">Robotics</td>
<td style="text-align: right; ">Prof. B</td>

Example - Extractor

After we defined the structs, we can automatically extract and store the data in their fields:

using AcuteML

xml = parsexml("""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<university university-name="Julia University">
  <person id="1">
    <study-field>Mechanical Engineering</study-field>
    <taken-courses>Artificial Intelligence</taken-courses>
    He is a genius
  <person id="2">
    <study-field>Computer Engineering</study-field>

# extract University
U = University(xml) # StructName(xml) extracts the data and stores them in proper format

# Now you can access all of the data by calling the fieldnames

"Julia University"

# extract Person
P1 = U.people[1]


Mechanical Engineering


["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"]


julia> P1.comment
"He is a genius"
pprint(io, x)
pprint(filename, x)

Pretty prints the xml/html content of a aml type. Also, pretty prints a Node or Document type.


Parse htmlstring and create an HTML document.


Parse xmlstring and create an XML document.


Read filename and create an HTML document.


Read input and create an HTML document.


Read filename and create an XML document.


Read input and create an XML document.



Create new destination html file as the template

newTemplate(name, :function)

Prints a function to be used as a template


# you can create a file and edit the file directly by using

## create person function to store out html template
newTemplate("person", :function)
render2file(destination, overwrite, var...)

render variables passed as an input to the destination file.

You should put var in the destination file/string so var is evaluated there. Pass the variables as keyword arguments with the same name you used in the html string/file. Variables should be string,

If you want to statically overwrite the file pass true as the 2nd argument to the function. Useful if you don't want a dynamic website.


# Add the following html code to the generated html file
<person id=$(id)>

# Specify the template (or its path), and also the variables for rendering
out =render2file("person", false,
  id = 1,
  age = 24,
  field = "Mechanical Engineering",
  GPA = 4.5,
  courses = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Robotics"])

# you pass `true` as the 2nd argument to owerwrite person.html statically.

Macro Backend

XML/HTML utilities