Custom Constructors

Adding Custom code to the structures

AcuteML introduces three @creator, @extractor, and @updater macros to be used inside @aml definition. The location of the macros specifies their location in the function. For example, putting @creator at the begining, adds the code to begining of creator function.

  • Put @creator inside @aml to add a custom code to the creator function (DOM creation when the struct is instanciated).

    This macro only affects creation (not extraction/updating), but can be used in combination with other macros.

  • Put @extractor inside @aml to add a custom code to the extractor function (DOM parsing when a html/xml text is used for instanciation of a struct).

    This macro only affects creation (not creation/updating), but can be used in combination with other macros.

    Be careful that setting struct fields using @extractor only changes the struct field and not the xml code.

  • Put @updater inside @aml to add a custom code to the updater function (DOM updating after instanciation of a struct).

    This macro only affects updating (not creation/extraction), but can be used in combination with other macros.

In the following example IQ and average are calculated automatically. Also, in the following example log is filled automatically (which doesn't have an associated xml element).

using AcuteML
# Definition
@aml mutable struct Student "student"

    # add custom code to the begining of creator function
    # the following automatically fills IQ based on the name
    @creator begin
        if occursin("smart", name)
            name = replace(name, "-smart" => "") # remove smart from name
            IQ = "smart"
        elseif occursin("genius", name)
            name = replace(name, "-genius" => "") # remove smart from name
            IQ = "genius"
            error("Give a smart student.")

    name::String, "~"
    GPA::Float64, "~"
    IQ::UN{String} = nothing, att"~" # default to nothing, but filled automatically by first @cretor macro
    # add custom code to the end of extractor function

    log::UN{String} = nothing, "~"

    @extractor begin
        if GPA > 4.0
            log = "A genius with a GPA of $GPA is found" # setting fields using @extractor only changes the field and not the xml code

@aml mutable struct MathClass "math-class"
    @creator begin
        GPAsum = 0.0
        for student in students
            GPAsum = GPAsum + student.GPA
        average = GPAsum / length(students) # fill average field

    students::Vector{Student}, "student"
    average::UN{Float64} = nothing, "average" # calculated automatically

# Creation
smarts = [Student(name = "Jack-smart", GPA = 2.0), Student(name = "Sara-genius", GPA = 5.0)]
mathclass = MathClass(students = smarts)

mathclass.students[1].name # "Jack"
mathclass.students[2].name # "Sara"
mathclass.average # 3.5

# <math-class>
#     <student IQ="smart">
#       <name>Jack</name>
#       <GPA>2.0</GPA>
#     </student>
#     <student IQ="genius">
#       <name>Sara</name>
#       <GPA>5.0</GPA>
#     </student>
#     <average>3.5</average>
#   </math-class>

# Extraction

xml = parsexml("""

mathclass = MathClass(xml)

mathclass.students[2].log # "A genius with a GPA of 5.0 is found"